Sunday, October 6, 2024

"Positive Actions"


Becky Arnott Photography

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."- Albert Camus

In this blog post, the focus is on positive actions.

Even in tumultuous times, we can still focus on the positive. For example, during the recent Hurricane Helene disaster, which was mainly devastating to many of the people who live in our Southern Appalachian area, caring people have been helping other people either through actual physical help, as well as giving donations of food, other much-needed items, and money, locally. (Some of those that volunteered used helicopters, etc. to help rescue people, and some even came from long distances like Texas. One woman we know even had a fundraiser to help out. People like these are heroes!) 

(Giving locally ensures that the donations go to the right places. One of our local small grocery store chains partnered with other local agencies to collect here in our area. Our church, as well as many others, collected for the hurricane victims. Greg and I always give locally.)

Also, Mike Adams ( has sent several pallets of organic food to help out areas affected by the hurricane.

(And here's an important message for all of us- "We suggest having on hand two or three weeks' supply of food and water for family and pets, flashlights, and other emergency essentials."- From

Oftentimes, in our modern-day world, with our day-to-day activities, we often forget to help those in need. Used to, in the past, neighbor often helped neighbor with barn-raisings, etc. It's good to get back to that instead of being so wrapped up in our electronic devices, etc. and not even knowing or interacting with our neighbors.

However, it's good to know that when the chips are down, good people will come to the rescue of others.

You know, we also need to stand up for ourselves as well as others. We need to take back our power, and to do things such as supporting the things that we care about.

Let's hug and cherish our precious pets and other loved ones-

Mitzi and Kallie

I believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is simply talking positively to God. Prayer can be very powerful. It can help us, our loved ones, our friends and neighbors, and it's especially good for those who are going through an extraordinarily difficult time, like the victims of the recent hurricane. 

If you feel that you need extra prayer help, there is always your local church, etc. Also, there is online help such as .

There is a very positive, important action that we Americans can take now to insure a positive, bright future for our country, and that is to-

Vote for peace, prosperity, and freedom!

May God bless America!

Positive thought: 

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, November 2, 2024, Becky



Saturday, September 14, 2024

"Positive Words, Positive Thoughts"


"...September days are here, with summer's best of weather and autumn's best of cheer."- Helen Hunt Jackson

September is a transitional month, with fall right around the corner! (Sunday, September 22, 2024)

This time of year, I really enjoy being outside, sitting on the front porch, enjoying the late afternoon sun, and smelling the sweet fragrance of the last of summer's sweet flowers wafting through the gentle breeze. Birds are singing their little songs. A little later in the day, Greg and I often enjoy spectacular sunsets that help make our Appalachia Mountain area look even more beautiful. (Just like snowflakes, no two sunsets are exactly the same.)

In a few weeks, the green leaves will, of course, give way to the colorful reds, yellows, and oranges of fall.

I'd like to share with you some positive words, and some positive thoughts that you might find helpful-

~Open-minded- I generally like the old TV comedy shows, and so does Greg. We tend to have the same sense of humor, but Greg also really likes old adventure shows like "MacGyver." I'd never seen one of  the "MacGyver" shows before, because I didn't think that it was something that I'd be interested in. Then, one day, I was in the living room when his show was on, and I actually watched some of it. Very interesting! I found out that MacGyver uses ingenious hacks to help him be successful against the bad guys, and bad women. I was impressed. 

Greg loves the show so much that I gave him MacGyver-type items for his birthday which included a Swiss Army knife.

Now, I try to be a little more open-minded, and I'm learning to appreciate other people's tastes that might be different than mine.

~Do-it-yourself- Greg and I like to make a lot of the things that we use around the house, and I also like to make some of my own personal items. Between us, we make gnat traps, cleaning products, liquid hand soap, deodorant, hair conditioner, weed killer, etc. Doing this saves us money, and it's also a lot healthier! 

~Optimism- Dr. Bob Martin says that optimism is a key to health and longevity. He says to be around people who are optimistic and uplifting. Also, he says to train yourself if you are not naturally optimistic-to read books that help you to be more positive, and to do positive self-talk.

I'd like to add that I found that it's important to be careful about what we listen to on the radio or watch on TV and the Internet, etc. I ask myself how I feel after watching or listening to anything. If it makes me feel less than positive, I simply don't watch or listen to it anymore. Life is too short to dwell on negativity.

~Joyful- "20 Handpans / Handpan Choir & Malte Marten" This is a joyful presentation on YouTube of  musicians joyfully working together to create a musical mini-masterpiece. It's so inspirational that it makes you want to grab a handpan and join in on the fun! Besides, handpans are tuned to Hertz frequencies which are supposed to be healing.

~Happy- When you're happy in life, the law of attraction will continue to line up even more happy circumstances and events for you."- Rhonda Byrne

Also, "Happiness is a warm puppy." -Charles M. Schultz

~Pet Feature-

John and Ashley have a new addition to their household, an adorable new puppy, Lucy Elizabeth-

Positive thought: "I'm unstoppable...I'm invincible...I'm so powerful...I'm so confident...Yeah, I'm unstoppable today..."- From the song "Unstoppable" by Sia and Christopher Braide

Thanks for visiting! Until sometime around Saturday, October 5, 2024, Becky

Sunday, August 4, 2024

"Living Positively"


By Annette White

A couple of  days ago, Greg and I went to the annual Virginia Highlands Festival in Abingdon, Virginia, not far from where we live. We enjoyed seeing the different arts and crafts done by the various talented participants at the festival.

One of the artists was Annette White from Alabama who paints beautiful, unique pictures on pieces of slate from a church roof that was over 100 years old! (See above photo.) 

She started painting to help her cope with a personal tragedy. Not only does she paint well, but she is a really nice person. I think that her inner beauty shows in her lovely artwork.

Here are a few quotes for living positively, which is important, especially now-

~"Surrounding myself with people who don't make me feel good is not healthy, so I avoid those who don't bring joy into my world. I've learned that when you're surrounded by kind people, everything will be okay." -Beth Stern

~"Karma-think good thoughts, say nice things, do good for others. Everything comes back." -Eckart Tolle

~"This is unjust!" -Angela Carini (We need to stand up for ourselves. as well as for others, to right any wrongs for a positive outcome.) 

We noticed the American flag flying in front of The Martha Washington Inn & Spa in Abingdon. Several artists' booths were on the grounds of "The Martha" during the Virginia Highlands Festival.

~"When we honor our flag, we honor what we stand for as a Nation-Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Hope." -Ronald Reagan

~"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." -Willie Nelson

~"Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you." -Mary Lou Retton

~"The power of positive thinking can change your life." -Devin McCourty

~Pet Feature-

A few weeks ago, Greg and I were visiting Sevierville, Tennessee when we saw a man with a pretty white bird sitting on his shoulder. The man with the bird was getting all kinds of attention. No wonder! It is somewhat rare to see something like that.

The white bird was a parrot, the man's pet. The parrot was very tame, as a woman went over and stroked its head like you would a dog or a cat.

When I feature pets on this blog, it's always either a cat or a dog, but this time, in honor of birds, I want to announce that next month, on September 17, it's National Pet Bird Day!

~"Birds are the best pets around." -Bird

~"God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day." -Julie Green

Positive thought: "Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may be actually falling into place." -Unknown

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, September 7, 2024, Becky

Monday, July 8, 2024

"How to Be More Positive"


Sometimes, it seems hard to get and maintain a positive frame of mind, but there are things we can all do in order to be more positive. We just have to do those things that feel right for us.

I feel more positive and uplifted when I occasionally get to hear "The Constitution Minute" on our local radio station. Also, I can always go anytime to to hear the same messages that are on the radio.

"The Constitution Minute" is a positive, patriotic message from Dr. Larry Arnn, the president of Hillsdale College. "The Constitution is key to securing liberty for all Americans..." In addition to an uplifting message, you can also request a free pocket-sized copy of our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. These documents contain important information that all Americans need to know.

Greg and I recently went through about two weeks of challenges that began when our television suddenly stopped working. We're thankfully getting everything satisfactorily resolved, and as we're looking back on everything, these so-called negative events actually turned into something positive. 

("Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."- Richard Bach)

For instance, Greg discovered some skills that he didn't realize that he had. Also, we got to take a break from our usual routine of busyness, and as a result, we got to go and do some enjoyable, relaxing things that we hadn't made time for in a while, like walking in the park.

(Let's have some fun!"- Jesse Kelly)

You can meet the nicest people and pets in the park-

Get a best furry friend, like Iris.

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."- Roger Caras

We also recently enjoyed our town's fireworks for the first time since we've lived here-

Finally, if you'd like a super-easy way to be more positive, etc., be sure to "Immerse yourself  in soothing, healing sounds of the handpan infused with a pure frequency of 528 Hertz."- Malte Marten

528 hz handpan music my favorite healing meditation. It is supposed to promote positivity as well as other good qualities.

Also, please check out my memoir, "Down Memory Lane" by Becky Arnott. For more information, just click the widget above.

~Positive thought- Positive thinking is "only thinking thoughts of what you want. And it makes sense because negative thoughts hurt us. Negative thoughts attract what we don't want, they make us feel bad, and they harm our health. So why on earth would anyone indulge in them? ...think only of what you want!"- Rhonda Byrne
Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, August 3, 2024, Becky

Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Some Positive Ideas"


These days, especially, it's important to get and stay as positive as possible. Being positive helps us to better handle anything that comes our way.

In this blog post, I'll give you some positive ideas that have helped me be more positive.

One thing that has helped me be positive is to read and apply the ideas of author Rhonda Byrne. For example- "When you direct your thoughts to the positive-which are simply the thoughts of what you want-you will be in awe of how the Universe lines everything up for you, one thing after another."

Try to be around people who are positive. There are three people in particular that I know who are really nice to be around. They all have the same traits- They are kind, thoughtful, and respectful. They make you feel special. They have a positive outlook about things. 

Also, it's good for us to try to find the good in everyone. Look for the good, and you will find it.

If you are positive, you tend to attract more people and situations into your life that are positive. 

Having the kind of pet that is right for you can help you be more positive. Greg and I are cat people, so having cats is right for us.

"What greater gift than the love of a cat." -Charles Dickens

Taking care of your health, like getting plenty of sleep, and eating right, etc. should help you on your road to positivity.

On the Road to Positivity

A positive emotion is happiness, and to feel instantly happier, I found an easy way is to put some nutmeg into a small empty jar that has a lid. When ready to use, just take off the lid and sniff the nutmeg for a minute or two. You can do this throughout the day. Doing so should help you feel happier, and also more focused! It's a type of aromatherapy. (Helpful hint: Be careful that you don't sniff the nutmeg up your nose, and don't use it if you are allergic to nutmeg.)

"Knowing the Power of Words"-

Words are so important. Are our words positive or negative? How do our words affect other people and ourselves?

Being positive instead of negative is a lot more enjoyable, a lot more fun!- "Try it, You'll like it." -From a popular 1972 Alka-Seltzer commercial

"And what is so rare as a day in June?"- James Russell Lowell

 Wishing you a happy, positive June!

Positive thought- "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."- Elbert Hubbard (These words encourage optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity." -From Wikipedia)

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, July 6, 2024, Becky

Sunday, May 5, 2024

"Some Positive Thoughts"


Hope you are doing positively great!

Lately, we have had some beautiful, warm spring days where we live, but for this week, we are supposed to have mostly rainy, stormy days, and in about a week, the weather forecast says that it will be rather cool.

Looking at this positively, we do need rain here right now. If we wear a sweater or a jacket, we can still go outside during the cool spells. Besides, there's always something to do inside. We can even make plans for future trips, etc. for when the weather is better.

Everything will be greener and the flowers will look even prettier after the rain.

Recently, one man was interviewed about helping clean up from a recent storm, and he said that he enjoyed working with other people, that he had made several friends as they were all working together with a common positive goal. 

"Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." -Alice Morse Earle

We have a relative who loves cardinals. She and her husband recently had a health miracle come into their lives, so she sent an email with a few pretty personal photos she had taken of cardinals in their back yard, along the lovely quote, "When cardinals are near, angels appear."

Encouraging words and pictures like those can help make our lives more positive.

I especially like robins since they traditionally represent spring, new beginnings.

You can learn more about the symbolism of birds, animals, and reptiles that come into your life, even if only briefly, in the fascinating book, "Animal-Speak" by Ted Andrews. It tells about "The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small."

Kit-Cat, Enjoying the Spring Sunshine

What does "Animal Speak" say about your type of pet?

Just last night, we had a little creature visit us, a possum (opossum), that came up on our front porch and peeked in the window. It didn't stay very long, but just long enough to intrigue us. I'm anxious to look in the book later to see what the presence of that little guy means, what it has to teach us.

As I mentioned above, I really like new beginnings. Every morning, I'm thankful for a brand new day that is full of the promise, an adventure, a chance to have something wonderful happen during the day. I like to start the day with the affirmations, "This a wonderful, awesome day." Also, I think, "This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24

Doing this really seems to start the day off right.

Did you know that reading books for enjoyment can make you more positive?

I occasionally like to read "Woman's World" magazine since it always has such positive, helpful information.

For more positivity, you might want to check out my memoir, "Down Memory Lane," which is on Amazon in both the paperback and Kindle formats.

Also, if you are into the paranormal, you might find my Kindle book, "Photographic Encounters of the Spirit Kind," interesting. It has over 100 paranormal photographs that my brother, Nick, my husband , Greg, and I have taken.

For more information about my books, please click the widgets above.

"Day Spring" magazine is a positive publication. One recent issue was, "Brighter Days Ahead."

If we're negative, we just drag ourselves and others down, and make ourselves and others miserable, and that can make any seemingly negative situation a lot worse. 

I think that being positive is by far the best way to be so we can attract more positive situations and people into our lives. 

Simply put, it's the law of attraction. You attract what you think and feel. It's really that simple, but it does require diligence. Believe me, it's so worth the effort!

Positive thought: "Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with a great and strong purpose in your heart." -Gordon P. Hinckley 

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, June 1, 2024, Becky

Friday, April 12, 2024

"Positive Bits and Pieces"


Take time to smell the flowers.

Sometimes it may seem hard to maintain a positive attitude, but for a better, more positive life, we need to work (or play, which is even better!) at being more positive.

Here are some positive bits and pieces that have helped Greg and me be happier and more positive-

~I love positive quotes, especially those with nice pictures, so we have calendars in several rooms of our house that are similar to my example below-

"Each moment of the year has its own beauty" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

~Being outside in nature can reduce negative thoughts and make us feel better about ourselves. Greg seems to be happiest when he can get outside and work in the yard. I love going out and taking pictures of nature. This spring has been especially nice with all of the pretty blooming things.

~Another thing that we enjoy is watching old comedies on TV at least once a day. Shows like "I Love Lucy" make us laugh and remind us to not take things so seriously. Laughter is really good, actually healthy!

~A few days ago, Greg and I went on a little trip, and when we got back home, we noticed that we had traveled exactly 100 miles! I wondered if that number had any important significance. I then remembered an old book I had that told the meaning of  numbers, so I looked up the number 100, and it said, "Keep you thoughts totally aligned with God's love and light. Your positive thoughts and actions make a huge difference-especially right now." -From "Angel Numbers" by Doreen Virtue

(Wow! Is this a timely message for today!)

~I really love the "Constitution Minute" on the radio which is beautifully read by the president of Hillsdale College. It is a patriotic message about our great country, accompanied by inspirational music that can bring tears to your eyes. You can also hear this message on . You can even request a free pocket-sized copy of The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence on their website.

~Helping others in some way is good, not only for those you help, but it can also make you feel better about yourself. We like to support our local animal shelter.

~Do things often that you truly enjoy doing whether it's reading, traveling, or doing sports, etc.

I've listed some of the things in this post that make Greg and me feel more positive. Hopefully, they have inspired you to maybe make a list of your own. If so, have fun becoming more positive!

~Cute Pet Feature- 

Someone sent me the above photograph of a pet they want me to do in pastel. This cute dog should make a nice portrait!

Positive thought: "Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life." -Mark Twain

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, May 4, 2024, Becky