Friday, April 12, 2024

"Positive Bits and Pieces"


Take time to smell the flowers.

Sometimes it may seem hard to maintain a positive attitude, but for a better, more positive life, we need to work (or play, which is even better!) at being more positive.

Here are some positive bits and pieces that have helped Greg and me be happier and more positive-

~I love positive quotes, especially those with nice pictures, so we have calendars in several rooms of our house that are similar to my example below-

"Each moment of the year has its own beauty" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

~Being outside in nature can reduce negative thoughts and make us feel better about ourselves. Greg seems to be happiest when he can get outside and work in the yard. I love going out and taking pictures of nature. This spring has been especially nice with all of the pretty blooming things.

~Another thing that we enjoy is watching old comedies on TV at least once a day. Shows like "I Love Lucy" make us laugh and remind us to not take things so seriously. Laughter is really good, actually healthy!

~A few days ago, Greg and I went on a little trip, and when we got back home, we noticed that we had traveled exactly 100 miles! I wondered if that number had any important significance. I then remembered an old book I had that told the meaning of  numbers, so I looked up the number 100, and it said, "Keep you thoughts totally aligned with God's love and light. Your positive thoughts and actions make a huge difference-especially right now." -From "Angel Numbers" by Doreen Virtue

(Wow! Is this a timely message for today!)

~I really love the "Constitution Minute" on the radio which is beautifully read by the president of Hillsdale College. It is a patriotic message about our great country, accompanied by inspirational music that can bring tears to your eyes. You can also hear this message on . You can even request a free pocket-sized copy of The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence on their website.

~Helping others in some way is good, not only for those you help, but it can also make you feel better about yourself. We like to support our local animal shelter.

~Do things often that you truly enjoy doing whether it's reading, traveling, or doing sports, etc.

I've listed some of the things in this post that make Greg and me feel more positive. Hopefully, they have inspired you to maybe make a list of your own. If so, have fun becoming more positive!

~Cute Pet Feature- 

Someone sent me the above photograph of a pet they want me to do in pastel. This cute dog should make a nice portrait!

Positive thought: "Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life." -Mark Twain

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, May 4, 2024, Becky

Sunday, March 3, 2024

"Positive Thoughts and Images"


Especially now, it's good to be as positive as possible. We need to expose ourselves regularly to positive thoughts and images, etc. for a better life.

Here are a few photos,* along with quotes, that might help put us in a better frame of mind-

"Be pawsitive!"

"Love lives here."

"Live life in full bloom."

Greg and I enjoy wall calendars with pictures that have quotes. For Christmas, I received a cute animal calendar with quotes, which I love. I gave Greg a famous-artist calendar featuring some of the artist's work, as well as his quotes.

Funny videos of  animals can put you in a really good mood. Someone recently sent us an email that featured baby monkeys. It was hilarious!

We love the old comedies on TV, and we even have a large collection of old comedies on some of our DVD's.

Also, the Hertz frequency videos on YouTube are supposed to be very healing. The music and images are really beautiful! The different frequencies are supposed to be good for different things.

Special kitty feature-

Here's our Mitzi, a few weeks ago, trying to warm herself with a heat duct. She, along with a lot of us, are looking forward to spring, with it's warmer weather. Spring is just a couple of weeks away!

Wishing you a very happy spring, and a happy, pawsitive life, no matter what the season!

Positive thought- "Let the sunshine in!"

*All photographs and written words on this, and all blog posts, for both "The Art of Positive Living" and "Spirit Photographs," are under the copyright of  Becky Arnott Artist and Becky Arnott Photography.

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, April 6, 2024, Becky

Monday, February 12, 2024

"Positive Signs"


(All photographs and text on this blog are under the copywrite of Becky Arnott Photography and Becky Arnott Artist.)

I am so glad to be back, writing my monthly blog post. I've had technical difficulties for over a week so I was unable to post until now. I really appreciate your understanding!

This blog post was inspired by the large sign which is outside of each of Pal's Sudden Service restaurants. (Pal's is a local drive-thru restaurant chain in Southwest Virginia and East Tennessee. They feature such tasty items as Chili Buns and Frenchie Fries.)

Pal's changes the messages on the signs daily.

I've often wondered what life would be like if you followed the suggestions on their signs every day. I betcha our lives would be a lot more positive since the messages are always so positive!

I thought that for this post, I'd come up with some ideas of my own for messages that are similar to those that Pal's might put on their signs.

Here they are-


Recently, Greg and I got a carry-out from a local restaurant in Kingsport, Tennessee. We took our lunch to a nearby park where we had a fun picnic in our car.

While there, we went for a walk since it was warm (around 60 degrees) for this time of year. While on our walk, I took pictures, as usual. We noticed that a few people were walking their dogs.

One dog was particularly interesting since part of the fur on top of its head was dyed red. It's personable owner, Brittany, gave me permission to put its picture on my blog post, and here it is-

Boone, with Brittany

Boone got his name from beautiful Boone Lake which is a TVA reservoir located in upper East Tennessee.


Here's a new restaurant, Hen House, inside the new business, The Commons, located in Abingdon, Virginia-

It's a farm-to-table restaurant that has wholesome tasty food from local sources.

Greg and I both had the cheese sandwich which was absolutely delicious!


It's exciting and fun to occasionally step outside your comfort zone, and do something a little different, like-

-Read a book that is a little way-out-there, like a book that prolific author, David Icke, has written. His latest intriguing book is "The Dream." You'll probably never look at life the same after reading that one!
-Laten to late-night radio and/or visit a great paranormal news show website, for some mind-boggling stories.


(Love this one!)- "Believe in yourself even if no one else does." -Bigfoot


It seems that paying other people a compliment is not done that much anymore. A few weeks ago, a woman I met by chance gave me a really nice compliment about my hair which made me feel really good. Now, I'm trying to give sincere compliments to other people to help them feel good about themselves. How wonderful it would be if we could all do this every day. We just might help change the world for the better, one compliment at a time!

Positive thought- "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."-Hamilton Wright Mabie
Thanks for visiting! Until (Hopefully!) Saturday, March 2, 2024, Becky

Sunday, January 7, 2024

"Some Thoughts About Christmas Past, and the New Year"


I have some thoughts about this past Christmas, as well as about the new year.

In my last "The Art of Positive Living" blog post on Sunday, December 3, 2023, I discussed the spirit of Christmas. I mentioned several things that the spirit of Christmas could be, but there's another important one that I should have mentioned, but didn't, and that was-


Around the first of December, I was really busy painting portraits and making coal jewelry, as well as doing the usual pre-Christmas activities, so much so that I just didn't have that spirit-of-Christmas feeling, until I was shopping in one store where I heard a beautiful song over the store's sound system, with the words, "That's Christmas to me." I researched those words, and I found out that the song was sung by a group that was new to me, Pentatonix. I also discovered that besides Christmas songs, they sing other types of songs, as well. So now, I'm a yearlong fan!

So, music is another great way to get yourself into the spirit of Christmas.

Thankfully, most of us have a relatively merry Christmas with family and/or friends, with Christmas cards, holiday gatherings, and various other holiday activities, but for some, the Christmas/New Year's holidays are not so happy, especially if a loved one has passed away during that time. In that case, Dr. Laura Koniver has the answer for depression, sorrow, and anxiety, etc., for then, as well as for any time of the year. (See for more information.)

For 2024, I started thinking about a quote that I really like, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" (Dr. Seuss) The truth is that we are all unique individuals, and we should just try to be ourselves, to be who God created us to be, instead of trying to be like everyone else.

For example, just because everyone else is wearing black tights, doesn't mean that is necessarily right for us. Instead, dress however you like; wear whatever suits you; don't try to be a carbon copy of everyone else.

Also, don't go along with the crowd on even more important matters. We need to decide if the path we're taking is the right one. 

I'm still working on several New Year's resolutions. I'm devoting one week for each one. For example, Greg and I tend to be workaholics, and we need to get more sleep, so we worked on a plan to get in bed 15 minutes earlier each night until we reach our target time. Another week, we're working to incorporate more fun into our lives. We've made out a fun-list of things to do and places to go, to just have fun! Sounds like a plan!

What positive changes would you like to see in your life?

~Cute pet feature-

This doggie (above) is all ready to go-"2024, here I come!" (Are you ready to go, too?)

Positive thought: "What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?" -John Steinbeck

Thanks for visiting! Until Saturday, February 3, 2024, Becky