Sunday, October 6, 2024

"Positive Actions"


Becky Arnott Photography

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."- Albert Camus

In this blog post, the focus is on positive actions.

Even in tumultuous times, we can still focus on the positive. For example, during the recent Hurricane Helene disaster, which was mainly devastating to many of the people who live in our Southern Appalachian area, caring people have been helping other people either through actual physical help, as well as giving donations of food, other much-needed items, and money, locally. (Some of those that volunteered used helicopters, etc. to help rescue people, and some even came from long distances like Texas. One woman we know even had a fundraiser to help out. People like these are heroes!) 

(Giving locally ensures that the donations go to the right places. One of our local small grocery store chains partnered with other local agencies to collect here in our area. Our church, as well as many others, collected for the hurricane victims. Greg and I always give locally.)

Also, Mike Adams ( has sent several pallets of organic food to help out areas affected by the hurricane.

(And here's an important message for all of us- "We suggest having on hand two or three weeks' supply of food and water for family and pets, flashlights, and other emergency essentials."- From

Oftentimes, in our modern-day world, with our day-to-day activities, we often forget to help those in need. Used to, in the past, neighbor often helped neighbor with barn-raisings, etc. It's good to get back to that instead of being so wrapped up in our electronic devices, etc. and not even knowing or interacting with our neighbors.

However, it's good to know that when the chips are down, good people will come to the rescue of others.

You know, we also need to stand up for ourselves as well as others. We need to take back our power, and to do things such as supporting the things that we care about.

Let's hug and cherish our precious pets and other loved ones-

Mitzi and Kallie

I believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is simply talking positively to God. Prayer can be very powerful. It can help us, our loved ones, our friends and neighbors, and it's especially good for those who are going through an extraordinarily difficult time, like the victims of the recent hurricane. 

If you feel that you need extra prayer help, there is always your local church, etc. Also, there is online help such as .

There is a very positive, important action that we Americans can take now to insure a positive, bright future for our country, and that is to-

Vote for peace, prosperity, and freedom!

May God bless America!

Positive thought: 

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, November 2, 2024, Becky



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