Saturday, September 8, 2012

Home Harmonious Home


(And, a special welcome to our newest follower.  I really appreciate his nice comment at the end of my last blog post.  Great to have you join us!)

Did you know that your home can influence your life?  It can can affect you in all ways either negatively or positively.  Is you home dirty or cluttered or inharmoniously arranged?  If so, you might want to get someone to help you change your home for the better, or even do it yourself.  It doesn't have to be done all at once.  A cluttered drawer could be straightened out while watching a 30-minute TV show.  Even fifteen minutes a day can make a big difference in a short time.

I know as a fact that straightening even a small area can have a positive impact on your life.  Even though I am a professional organizer, professional organizers are not perfect in the way they organize their homes.  For example, without realizing what I was doing, I found myself putting little notes, as reminders, on our kitchen counter top.  After a while, I noticed what a mess it had all become.  The pieces of paper would get wet, the cats would trample all over them, or they would fall on the floor, etc.  One day it finally dawned on me that there had to be a better way.  I brain-stormed for a few minutes, and then it became obvious.  Go to the store and find a nice but inexpensive bulletin board.  I did, and I love it!  Now, I feel so good that my notes are all in a place where I can easily glance at them, and my counter top is free of clutter and very spacious.  I pat myself on the back every time I walk in there.

                                                            Mission accomplished!

Which of the following two photos makes you feel better and more harmonious when you look at it?

Positive thought:  To put a twist on one of my all-time favorite quotes from The Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like (a harmonious) home."

You might want to check out my other blog:

Thanks for visiting!  Until next Sunday, Becky

1 comment:

Flat Creek Farm said...

I'm inspired! (And I really really needed that bit of inspiration). Such a simple but powerful message. Thanks! -Tammy