Saturday, September 15, 2012

Appalachian Showcase


(And, a very special welcome to our newest follower from Flat Creek Farm!  I really appreciate the nice comments about a couple of my blog posts.)

The Clapboard House in the town of Wise in Southwest Virginia is chock-full of absolutely gorgeous furniture, home accessories, and gifts at reasonable prices.  (It is owned and operated by Travis Kennedy. His mother Bonnie Aker handles the public relations.  Kaye Dotten also works there.  These are three nice, knowledgeable people who would be glad to help you with your purchases.)

One section of The Clapboard House, the Appalachian Showcase, features local art, crafts, and photography, as well as other items.

I feel fortunate to have my coal art for sale in the Appalachian Showcase.  It sells well there because coal has always been a big part of the economy and culture of that area.

These are a few of my coal items that I recently sent to The Clapboard House.  One of the magnets features the Wise, Virginia clock tower. 

Briefly, I'd like to continue with the theme of my blog post from last week (Please see the Sunday, September 8 post.) on the influence your home can have on your life.  A couple of days ago I stopped in an antique shop and saw a cute little piece of  handmade pottery which I bought at a bargain price.  Every time I look at it in my kitchen, I feel really good, because I like it.  The more positve vibes you can surround yourself with, the better.  (However, you don't want to have so much stuff in your home that it looks like you've opened up your own shop either!)  (Also, personal accessories like coal jewelry can give you good vibes, too!)

                                                           My Cute Little Pot

In places like The Clapboard House with hand-crafted items in its Appalachian Showcase, you can find just the right touches to turn your house into a home (to paraphrase the Clapboard House motto).

Appalachian Showcase
The Clapboard House
207 W. Main St.
Wise, VA 24293
Phone: (276) 328-4470

Positive thought:  "Home is where the (he)art is".
Thanks for visiting!  Until next Sunday, Becky

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