Saturday, May 21, 2016

Local Parks


I recently mentioned on a blog post that I'd write about one Tennessee park every month. This month, this post is about one of our local parks here in Tennessee.

We are blessed with several local parks here in Columbia. One of our favorites is Riverwalk Park.

A few days ago, after I had finished up some business in town, on a whim, I decided to stop by Riverwalk Park since it was such a beautiful day.

This wonderful park has something for everyone-

A nice picnic area-

Plenty of  walkways-

Areas for games like basketball-


Places to rest and just contemplate nature-

A shelter for the farmers' market-

Beauty everywhere-

I'm so glad I stopped by this park a few days ago because I felt so refreshed after having spent some time there.

Why not visit your local park soon? You don't need a special occasion to enjoy the wonders of nature that await you.

Positive thought: "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."-Rachel Carson
Thanks for visiting! Until next weekend, Becky

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