Sunday, March 3, 2013

Clutter, Organizing Tips


It's nearly that time of year again.  Yes, it's about time to clear the clutter and get organized.  Spring is traditionally the time to improve our homes (but actually, that can be done all year long, as I well know as a professional organizer.)

Whether you do it yourself or get someone to help you-a friend or better yet, a professional organizer, the important thing is to get it done, the sooner, the better.

Clutter is not just inconvenient and an eyesore, but it can actually adversely affect you physically and emotionally, as well.

                   Does your home look like this, if so, it's time to call in the troops!

So, I'm now going to give a few tips to help you get started on your clutter-clearing, organizing journey.

Tip number 1:
Before you organize anything, you need to decide what to trash, donate, sell, or keep.  Get rid of anything you don't need, use, or love.

Tip number 2:
After clearing your clutter, you can decide what organizers you might need.  Before buying anything, be sure to measure the space to see what sizes the organizers need to be.

Once organized, it's important to keep it that way.

Tip number 3:
Whenever you bring something new into the home, be sure you really have enough space for it. 

Tip number 4: 
Go through your home at the end of each day and pick up anything that doesn't belong in that area and put it in its rightful place.  What your mama told you is true, "a place for everything and everything in its place" is a great idea.

Getting and keeping your home organized takes some effort, but doing so just might make you feel happier and more positive!

Which of the following would you rather come home to every day?


                                                                         Or This?

Photo Feature:

Congratulations to our talented little niece whose lovely piece of art work is now on display in the children's area of the Frist art museum in Nashville.

Positive thought:  "Wherever she went, happy bloomed."  (Words I saw written on a sofa in a store, and now its written on my heart.  I carry its message with me wherever I go.)
Thanks for visiting!  Until next time, Becky

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