Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Fall Wedding


"Once in a while,
Right in the middle of an ordinary life,
Love gives us a fairy tale."

Traditionally, when one thinks of weddings, the June bride comes to mind.  However, nowadays, more and more couples are having weddings any time during the year, and fall is certainly no exception.

Recently, Greg and I recently attended a lovely fall wedding that we'd like to share with you in pictures.


At the reception, the beautiful song, "It's a Wonderful World" sung by Louis Armstrong, played softly in the background.  Yes, for all of us who attended this lovely fall wedding, it did indeed seem like a wonderful world.

 And, for this couple and for most couples on their special day, this was, no doubt, like a fairy tale come true.

Personal note:  My brother and his wife, my cousin and his wife, and Greg and I all got married the same year and are all still married to the same spouse.  Now, that's what I call a very good year!

Positive thought:  "True love stories never have endings."
Richard Bach

Be sure and check out "Spirit Encounters Abroad" on my other blog,

Thanks for visiting!  Until next Sunday, Becky

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