Sunday, May 3, 2020

Signs of the Times


Thanks so much for your kind words about this blog, "The Art of Positive Living," and about my other blog, "Spirit Photographs."

The virus (COVID-19) has taken over so much of our lives that it's hard to ignore. It's on television, the Internet, the radio, and on signs when you go out, etc.

I became intrigued with some of the signs that I had seen, and I photographed many of them.

Most are self-explanatory-

The above photograph reminds me of an episode of the classic television show, Allen Funt's "Candid Camera" in which people were to step on the dark squares only.

This man said he was wearing his social-distancing shirt.

Positive thought: "Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly."-John Lennon
Thanks for visiting! Until Sunday, June 7, 2020, Becky

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