Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Celebration of May


May is such a beautiful time of year that I decided to celebrate it by writing a short, but sweet, blog post about it.

 So, here's a celebration of May in words and pictures.

"Another May new buds and flowers shall bring.."
-Charlotte Smith

"Sweet May hath come to love us,
Flowers, trees, their blossoms don,
And through the blue heavens above us
The very clouds move on."
-Heinrich Heine

Recently, as I was going toward a shop, I noticed some beautiful roses. Impulsively, I bent down and took in their lovely fragrance.  A passerby noticed me and said, "I like that, someone taking the time to smell the roses."  (I thought that, yes, I do need to do that more often, and I resolved then and there that I would.)

Positive thought: Always take time to smell the roses.

The celebration of May continues as Greg and I are on our way to our weekly adventure which I'll share with you on next week's blog post.  I believe you'll love it!  Please stay tuned!

Thanks for visiting!  Until next Sunday, Becky

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