Friday, August 9, 2013

Garage/Yard-Sale Tips


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The last two Saturdays, we've had a garage sale at our house.  In the past, we've only had yard sales, because we didn't have a garage.  I must say, a garage sale is easier since you don't have to lug all of your items out into the yard the morning of the sale.  (I'm just not an early-morning person!)  You set up your stuff the night before, and you're good to go at the appointed time.

Here are some helpful hints to make you next yard sale a successful event:
 1. It's good to have a yard-sale-item area in your home where all year before the sale, you stash the stuff you don't want, need, or love.  That way it makes it so much easier with everything in one spot when it's time for the sale.
2. A week or two before the sale, check to make sure you have yard-sale signs, stickers, string tags, and adequate change for your cash box.
3. Decide how it's best to advertise.  I put a free ad online which includes pictures of some of our items.  Well-placed store-bought garage-sale signs are also very helpful.
4. Put price tags on your items and arrange them attractively on tables, shelves, etc. with like items together.  Your things will probably sell better if the are relatively clean.
5. All of the above should be done gradually to keep from being all worn out the day of the sale.
6. You might want to consider having a community/neighborhood yard sale that is well advertised.

Garage/yard sales take some effort, but with the right planning, they can be very rewarding:
-You have something you don't want, but someone else might like it, and it's at an inexpensive price.  (Your sale item just might make someone's day!)
-You can meet new people, make new friends at a yard sale.
--You're a little richer for your time and effort.
-The leftover yard-sale items can go to a charity who needs such things.
-You could even keep a few nice leftover things as a starter for your next yard sale.

Yes, garage/yard sales can be a win-win for everyone involved.

Happy selling!

Positive thought: "One man's trash can be another man's treasure."
Thanks for visiting!  Until next Sunday, Becky

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