Sunday, February 2, 2025

"February, a Very Positive Month!"



Besides being just another winter month, what do most people think of when they think of February? If you are like me, you probably think of Valentine's Day on February 14. Most people are probably making plans to have a meal out or to have a romantic meal at home. This year, Greg and I are planning on exploring a nearby historic town after lunch. We'll visit some local shops and other places of interest that we haven't had time to visit in the past.

Many people will exchange valentine gifts and cards, as well. 

I still remember when I was in grade school, how each student would have a beautifully decorated Valentine's Day box where we would all put valentines in each other's boxes.  

As if February 14 festivities were not enough, there are other neat days in February, as well.

Today, February 2, just happens to be Groundhog Day. Every year at this time since 1887, Punxsutawney Phil in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, predicts the weather according to whether or not he sees his shadow. The not-so-good news was that he did see his shadow today, so here in the United States, there is supposed to be six more weeks of bad weather. The good news is that Phil is right only 35% of the time!

Right now, here in the Southern Appalachians, we are predicted to have above average temperatures most of this week, although after that, the temperature will be more seasonable. (We're really taking advantage of these warmer days right now! We're getting to work outside some, as well as having fun!)

February 17 is also a very special day since there are several fun ideas that you might enjoy trying that day-

-One thing you might want to do on this day is to celebrate My Way Day. All you do on this day is to celebrate you and your unique talents and personality, and to do things that you enjoy (that are not immoral or illegal, of course!). 

To celebrate, you might want to stay home and watch several DVD's that you have never had time to see before, while eating several of your very favorite foods. You might even go out and buy a new blouse in your favorite color and style, or you might like to go somewhere you've never been before. The important thing is just to celebrate the real you, the person you really are. ~For more information visit  .

-Another idea you might want to try after having fun celebrating you, is to focus on other people, and do something randomly nice for others on Random Acts of Kindness Day which is also on February 17. 

Some ideas might be to sincerely compliment someone that you may or may not know. (I remember how good I felt when a stranger once complimented me on my hair, and when someone recently admired a necklace I was wearing.) Also, you could open a door for someone, or just give someone a smile. You could even give a neighbor a small gift.

Being kind to yourself and others sounds like a great idea!

And that's not all for February 17, 2025 since Presidents' Day just happens to fall on this day this year.

With all of the really special things that we might decide to do on the special days in February, we can no longer think of this month as just another cold month to get through until spring, but, rather, we can declare instead that February is a very positive month! 

And do you know what?-We can make every month of this year more positive and enjoyable by just being kind to ourselves and others! Sounds like a plan!

~Animal/Pet Feature-

One of our special family members, Cris, sent us information about what to do if we find a hypothermic animal which might happen if it is exposed to cold weather or cold water so that its body temperature is very low. It is valuable information (Please see paragraph directly below.) that we might need at some time. Cris loves animals, and she supports animal causes. Cris, thanks so much for sharing! 

For more information about this important topic, please search the Internet. Just type in- "What to do if you find a hypothermic animal?"

~ "If we're going to have animals around, we all have to be concerned about them and take care of them." -Bob Ross

~ "Animals are souls, aspects of God just as...we are, and many species are way-showers of unconditional love, loyalty and supportiveness."-

Our Kit-Cat was a stray, a feral cat, not in the best of health. Thanks to our local vet, she is thriving now-

~"Cats are angels with fur." - Sark

Happy Valentine's Day. and Happy Every Day!

Positive thought- "Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction." -Rumi

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, March 1, 2025, Becky