Saturday, September 14, 2024

"Positive Words, Positive Thoughts"


"...September days are here, with summer's best of weather and autumn's best of cheer."- Helen Hunt Jackson

September is a transitional month, with fall right around the corner! (Sunday, September 22, 2024)

This time of year, I really enjoy being outside, sitting on the front porch, enjoying the late afternoon sun, and smelling the sweet fragrance of the last of summer's sweet flowers wafting through the gentle breeze. Birds are singing their little songs. A little later in the day, Greg and I often enjoy spectacular sunsets that help make our Appalachia Mountain area look even more beautiful. (Just like snowflakes, no two sunsets are exactly the same.)

In a few weeks, the green leaves will, of course, give way to the colorful reds, yellows, and oranges of fall.

I'd like to share with you some positive words, and some positive thoughts that you might find helpful-

~Open-minded- I generally like the old TV comedy shows, and so does Greg. We tend to have the same sense of humor, but Greg also really likes old adventure shows like "MacGyver." I'd never seen one of  the "MacGyver" shows before, because I didn't think that it was something that I'd be interested in. Then, one day, I was in the living room when his show was on, and I actually watched some of it. Very interesting! I found out that MacGyver uses ingenious hacks to help him be successful against the bad guys, and bad women. I was impressed. 

Greg loves the show so much that I gave him MacGyver-type items for his birthday which included a Swiss Army knife.

Now, I try to be a little more open-minded, and I'm learning to appreciate other people's tastes that might be different than mine.

~Do-it-yourself- Greg and I like to make a lot of the things that we use around the house, and I also like to make some of my own personal items. Between us, we make gnat traps, cleaning products, liquid hand soap, deodorant, hair conditioner, weed killer, etc. Doing this saves us money, and it's also a lot healthier! 

~Optimism- Dr. Bob Martin says that optimism is a key to health and longevity. He says to be around people who are optimistic and uplifting. Also, he says to train yourself if you are not naturally optimistic-to read books that help you to be more positive, and to do positive self-talk.

I'd like to add that I found that it's important to be careful about what we listen to on the radio or watch on TV and the Internet, etc. I ask myself how I feel after watching or listening to anything. If it makes me feel less than positive, I simply don't watch or listen to it anymore. Life is too short to dwell on negativity.

~Joyful- "20 Handpans / Handpan Choir & Malte Marten" This is a joyful presentation on YouTube of  musicians joyfully working together to create a musical mini-masterpiece. It's so inspirational that it makes you want to grab a handpan and join in on the fun! Besides, handpans are tuned to Hertz frequencies which are supposed to be healing.

~Happy- When you're happy in life, the law of attraction will continue to line up even more happy circumstances and events for you."- Rhonda Byrne

Also, "Happiness is a warm puppy." -Charles M. Schultz

~Pet Feature-

John and Ashley have a new addition to their household, an adorable new puppy, Lucy Elizabeth-

Positive thought: "I'm unstoppable...I'm invincible...I'm so powerful...I'm so confident...Yeah, I'm unstoppable today..."- From the song "Unstoppable" by Sia and Christopher Braide

Thanks for visiting! Until sometime around Saturday, October 5, 2024, Becky