Friday, April 12, 2024

"Positive Bits and Pieces"


Take time to smell the flowers.

Sometimes it may seem hard to maintain a positive attitude, but for a better, more positive life, we need to work (or play, which is even better!) at being more positive.

Here are some positive bits and pieces that have helped Greg and me be happier and more positive-

~I love positive quotes, especially those with nice pictures, so we have calendars in several rooms of our house that are similar to my example below-

"Each moment of the year has its own beauty" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

~Being outside in nature can reduce negative thoughts and make us feel better about ourselves. Greg seems to be happiest when he can get outside and work in the yard. I love going out and taking pictures of nature. This spring has been especially nice with all of the pretty blooming things.

~Another thing that we enjoy is watching old comedies on TV at least once a day. Shows like "I Love Lucy" make us laugh and remind us to not take things so seriously. Laughter is really good, actually healthy!

~A few days ago, Greg and I went on a little trip, and when we got back home, we noticed that we had traveled exactly 100 miles! I wondered if that number had any important significance. I then remembered an old book I had that told the meaning of  numbers, so I looked up the number 100, and it said, "Keep you thoughts totally aligned with God's love and light. Your positive thoughts and actions make a huge difference-especially right now." -From "Angel Numbers" by Doreen Virtue

(Wow! Is this a timely message for today!)

~I really love the "Constitution Minute" on the radio which is beautifully read by the president of Hillsdale College. It is a patriotic message about our great country, accompanied by inspirational music that can bring tears to your eyes. You can also hear this message on . You can even request a free pocket-sized copy of The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence on their website.

~Helping others in some way is good, not only for those you help, but it can also make you feel better about yourself. We like to support our local animal shelter.

~Do things often that you truly enjoy doing whether it's reading, traveling, or doing sports, etc.

I've listed some of the things in this post that make Greg and me feel more positive. Hopefully, they have inspired you to maybe make a list of your own. If so, have fun becoming more positive!

~Cute Pet Feature- 

Someone sent me the above photograph of a pet they want me to do in pastel. This cute dog should make a nice portrait!

Positive thought: "Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life." -Mark Twain

Thanks for visiting! Until around Saturday, May 4, 2024, Becky